School Uniform
Our School Uniform
Our uniform consists of:
- School embroidered polo shirt (yellow)
- School embroidered sweatshirt / cardigan - royal blue
- Trousers / shorts in summer - grey
- Skirt - grey
- Socks - grey
- (Nursery/Reception/Year 1 can wear royal blue jogging bottoms)
- Footwear - black shoes or trainers (NO open toe shoes / flip-flops)
- Checked or striped summer dress blue and white
- Headdresses (where worn for religious reasons) should be royal blue, dark grey or navy.
PE Kit (not required for Nursery)
- Red T-Shirt
- Black Shorts
- Black plimsolls / or trainers (any colour - as bright as you like)
- Black tracksuit for outdoor PE in winter
- PE Bag
For safety reasons no jewellery (other than plain 'stud' earrings) is allowed in school. If a watch is worn it should be flat and without alarms. If jewellery is worn, for religious or medical reasons, permission is required from the Head Teacher.
Please ensure that all school clothing is labelled clearly with your child's name. Every term a huge amount of clothing accumulates as 'lost property' and can only be reunited with its owner if labelled.
The school have a limited amount of good quality second hand uniform for sale. Please enquire at school office.
Parents are encouraged to donate good quality second hand inform to the school.
We are delighted to be working with our new online supplier, School Uniform Direct of Waltham Abbey.
Click here to be directed to their website
We really appreciate your support in ensuring that children wear the correct uniform.
Being in school uniform ensures that the children feel part of the community of Suffolks school. It gives them a strong sense of identity and enables them to feel proud of being a child at our school.
If you are in need of any financial support or you would like to discuss this further, please make an appointment with any member of SLT.
Please note that places at afterschool clubs may be withdrawn for consistent failure to wear correct uniform.
Click here for link to our policies page for the School Uniform Policy
Dfe guidance on school uniform November 2021